Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kanu Gym Uniform

Kanu, Kanu, oh my Kanu. Out of my huge collection of models, there is no character that I have more than the beautiful and sexy Kanu. I think now I have around 30+ models of her and I love all of them, with even more coming soon. This Kanu I had for awhile and it's one of my personal favorites. I love the way she squeezes her tits together making them bigger than they really are. I also love her adorable face and her pose. Although her pose should of had something she was leaning on, it looks kind of weird just like that. I had posed her with Shiryu and actually I had shown Blkstar awhile back that I can fit a lot of things in her hand and she would hold it.

The model is made by TFC; Taki Corporation. Like all their products, sometimes they are good and sometimes they are horrible. This Kanu is one of their best ones to me. I particularly like her outfit because it makes her breasts look huge and I also love the tan lines. It's also good because Kanu is really tanned but there are a lot of models out there that don't make her tanned. Anyway, on to the set.

I had tried a different lighting to my video for this set, I think it came out pretty decent. It was also hard to pose Kanu because of her awkward pose. I had to lay her down in an angle and put something behind her. If you are wondering what that black thing is, it is my DS and DS games holder. I had also missed the first shot but I got the rest on her fully. After I was done cumming, I had displayed her as she was suppose to.

I am also happy with the pictures, they all came out clear and I didn't have to delete any of them. It was also hard to take the pictures because again of her pose. I had a lot where I had to aim upward so you will see in a few pictures the background where I have a mirror and other things. Like my other sets, there are a cummed set and a normal set and also a preview set. The preview set are the pictures I took before doing the set.

I had not done a set in two weeks due to me being busy but now I plan to continue weekly. I thank all those that have voted on my poll, nice to see a lot of people like big breasts and small breasts. I also thank all those that download my sets. Enjoy.

Link to Set: Kanu Gym Uniform

Video from Set:


Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful!

F.C. said...

Thank you so much, I am glad you liked it :D

Anonymous said...

Nice tits!

Mark said...

Liked it a lot, it was the first time I saw it, and I'm already thinking of doing it with my Nami figure.

Anonymous said...

Cum Laude!!!

Anonymous said...

two questions:
-why don't you update this fine website weekly?
- why there is no sound in the videos? I'd love to hear you moan.

F.C. said...

Well I try to but I haven't been in the mood. I did a set a couple weeks ago but it was so bad, it isn't worth posting.

I should be back soon.

As for your second question, I don't moan and if I had sound, it will be a lot, a lot of noise.

Anonymous said...

Great shoot. Awesome, even. Any news on when you'll be doing more? I really like your sets.