Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guest SoF: EZD: Lacus

Lacus once again returns to the SoF scene. It has been awhile since any of us has seen Lacus. Usually she is eclipsed by Meer but now Lacus returns and so does EZD. Now I must say that this model of Lacus is very nice and sexy. Her face is adorable and her pose is like "no! don't cum on me!" But at the same time is enjoying it.

EZD has just posted this two days ago if I am not mistaken. He already has a few comments and since I liked this set or should I say sets, I decided that he would be another perfect candidate for this week's Guest SoF. As always EZD just doesn't post one or two sets, he posts a few. Here we have a total of five sets. Each with their own set of pictures and videos. He has even compiled all the videos into one. That video is viewable here.

His cum is very thick and a decent amount, some of the sets he seems to cum more and some seem more thicker than others. His video quality isn't perfect but it is good enough to view everything. I also liked the way the model is positioned, it's almost perfect for a sof set, she is at an angle and it's perfect to not let the cum go everywhere.

I hope that maybe EZD has a Meer since she is my major favorite four but if he doesn't it's still ok. This model is one of my favorite ones I have seen of EZD. If you like his work, you can view ALL his work on my forum. Download, fap and enjoy.

Link to Sets: Lacus

Video from Sets:

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