Saturday, July 31, 2010


Yukina, not the typical school girl. She is bounded and pleasured and her legs are open for anyone that wants a turn. Stick a dick or two in her or a vibrator, she is yours to fuck and cum. Talking about Cum, cum inside her pussy, she won't mind.

When I first saw this model for pre-order, there were three versions at the same time. I originally thought, "why not get all three?" but I didn't really like the other two and that would have been a lot of money. So I got to me was the best one. The other one has stockings and even a broom bounding her. I liked this one for the face and I think I made the right choice.

As for the set, this set would of been my perfect set, when I came, I came all over her and I covered her face completely. However, my stupid camera for some reason was caught on another wire and I couldn't get to take pictures in time. So in the pictures, my cum is already like drying up and it isn't as creamy. In the video though, you see that I came a good amount and although I missed a couple shots, she still got covered.

The pictures include of course the cummed set, the preview pics, her with a vibrator and her normal. Even in her normal state, she looks erotic. I was very horny, I had to hold out for a whole day so this morning it was pretty satisfying to finally cum. But like always, as I am typing this, I am already ready for round 2.

In the meantime, I hope you all like this set and I hope this set gets more attention than my Himari, poor girl with the cute ass only got around 70 downloads. Enjoy.

Link to Set: Yukina

Video from Set:


watashiwa said...

you missed her pussy:( but covered her face well :)

Anonymous said...

where do you find those figurines?

SFlopez said...

Oh I just love this one, lots of cum. Would've been really hot if you hit the "bullseye" straight on ;)