Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2009 CUMpilation #6

It's time for another Compilation or what I like to call it; CUMpilation. This would be officially my sixth one since I am not counting the Queen's Blade one or maybe I should. Well however you want to see it be my guest.

This compilation I worked pretty hard on it. Mostly because the program I was using kept freezing on me over and over again. Good thing it had a built in auto save feature which saved me a lot of work. This compilation has most of my 2009 works. I still have a few from this year that I wasn't able to fit in so there will be another video soon. There were some parts I tried to match the music so some cumshots are cut short. If you want to see the full cumshot, just look to the right of my blog and under tags look for the character and you will see their full set and video of course.

Now some of you will wonder why did I choose this particular song. Well honestly, I love the song to death and I was chatting with someone and jokingly I said "I will make a compilation video with this song" and he said I should. So I did! The song is sang by a NINE girl Korean group named girl's generation. If you remember my fifth compilation, it had a song from them as well. That song does not compare to this one though in my opinion.

As always, if you don't like the song, play the video on mute. Also the quality is pretty poor compared to if you download the video itself. Hope you all like this!

Video Download: CUMpilation (#6) 2009

1 comment:

SFlopez said...

Oh so hot. Love watching you sperm over the more curvier sluts, but anything with a big load is awesome.